About the Curriculum

The three-year curriculum, completed in November 2021, includes lesson plans, syllabi, and a scope and sequence for the existing program at Frankford High School. Topics include:

  • Hands-on training for roof-top solar installation
  • Introduction to electrical basics including National Electric Code Standards
  • Solar Design best practices
  • Solar technology troubleshooting
  • OSHA Standards
  • Solar sales and permitting
  • Online learning resources from leading solar equipment manufacturers
  • Preparation for the NABCEP Associate Certificate
  • Weatherization/energy efficiency lesson plans
  • Hands-on training for building science
    • Energy auditing and efficiency
    • Energy conservation and lower energy use

Curriculum Resources

The following resources are currently available for download to start a Bright Solar Futures program at your school or training center.

BSF Curriculum Toolkit

The toolkit is a roadmap for the BSF curriculum and contains information about the curriculum’s development, scope and sequence, syllabi, lesson plans and other resources for educators.

Scope & Sequence

The scope and sequence shows the recommended sequencing of topics through the curriculum by year and quarter.


Three years of sample syllabi include major concepts to be covered during each week of a 40-week school year program.

Learn More

The full curriculum site is now live. It currently includes detailed lessons plans for Year 1. Year 2 & 3 will be added soon. Visit http://brightsolarfutures.org/